Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Infromation and Networks"

The law that I most agree with is Sarnoff`s law which states, "the value of a network increases linearly with the number of people that are on it." I agree with law the most because I feel that it holds more truth than the other network laws. It is also much easier to comprehend compared to the other math based laws. The more people that are a part of a network increases its popularity. With that being said I think that popularity is something that many people consider valuable to satisfy their own personal and social needs. If there is a lot of people involved with a network, it holds more value than a network with fewer members because a smaller network may be seen as less credible due to fewer numbers of support.

I think that people will get there information from the internet five years from in the same form we do. With that being said, I think we will see major changes and advancements to the way we access the internet. With technology significantly improving every day I think that there will be a drastic paradigm shift from our current technology to much more advanced information technologies.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

"Online Identity"

Online identity poses a big threat of falsified information used to gain advantages in the 21st century. The article touches on the importance of authenticity and anonymity when creating online profile and the many new ways companies such as Facebook and Instagram can target these “dog” profiles. New technology allows for social media websites to compare photos and information from multiple accounts to test the credibility of the user. Online users have freedom to join and app or organization with a quick, simple creation of a profile. Many people abuse these rights through social media by providing false names and incorrect. I believe that authenticity is much more important than anonymity when creating social identities. With the overload of false information we see on the internet in our generation, the need for these “profile proofing” technologies are very important. Andrew Lewmans thoughts on re-anonymize the web is ineffective in my opinion. There would be no truth to the profiles even though the truth is stretched in many cases. If one wants to show creativity through social media they have every right and should be proud of their work. This doesn’t mean that they have to be anonymous to do so. Also, these filters can put an end to creepers and other problems such as fraud that we face on social media.